JUST HUMANS is an exhibition for Torino Graphic Days 2019
100 Illustrations about Integration at Museo Egizio di Torino
100 illustrations and 100 artists.
50 of them are living in Turin and 50 are coming from abroad.
50 of them are living in Turin and 50 are coming from abroad.
I worked together with Nicolò Canova to create those two pieces.
The artworks were created by two artists working together remotely and mixing their very different styles.
Nicolò and Giulia are both from Torino and know each other from kindergarten.
Funnily enough, they both ended up being artists for a living, but are quite far for style, technique and also actual location.
Giulia is an animator based in Zurich, Switzerland and works mainly digitally. Nicolò is based in Turin and known for his painting skills.
Funnily enough, they both ended up being artists for a living, but are quite far for style, technique and also actual location.
Giulia is an animator based in Zurich, Switzerland and works mainly digitally. Nicolò is based in Turin and known for his painting skills.
"Integration" was a fun topic to explore and we decided to make a four-handed project and work on both artworks simultaneously, like in a cadavre exquis, without really knowing what the other person was doing.
We called the two artworks "In-te-grato" and "punti di incontro".
We called the two artworks "In-te-grato" and "punti di incontro".

Punti di incontro
Un doppio cadavere squisito, un lavoro a quattro mani e un esercizio giocoso, che fonde due stili e due tecniche, annullando le distanze, sulla carta e non.
I personaggi a confronto, si riflettono l'uno nell'altro, si miscelano ad occhi chiusi, con risultato finale a sorpresa tanto per il pubblico quando per gli artisti.

L'unione di due mondi, di due persone ed esperienze diverse, attraverso un abbraccio. Fondendo i nostri due stili diversi di illustrazione, abbiamo provato a integrare le nostre capacità per creare una singola immagine. Lo sviluppo e la crescita personale passano inevitabilemtne attraverso un'azione di scambio, in cui le prospettive si mescolano e sviluppano in contemporanea, mantenendo, però, intatta la propria unicità; proprio per questo bisogna essere grati della possibilità di riuscire ad evolversi insieme.

I even created an Instagram filter, inspired by my artwork, the colors and the geometry, as a first experiment to bring augmented reality into my work and as an attempt to make the audiece "wear" the piece, and "dress up" like my character.
(go on the "Experimental" section of this website to see more)
I even created an Instagram filter, inspired by my artwork, the colors and the geometry, as a first experiment to bring augmented reality into my work and as an attempt to make the audiece "wear" the piece, and "dress up" like my character.
(go on the "Experimental" section of this website to see more)