I am a versatile and experienced artist, animator, director, illustrator, and motion designer with a passion for creating visually compelling and meaningful content.
My background in animation and illustration - through the Italian National Film School, the European Animation Sans Frontières and the Swiss HSLU - gives me a unique perspective and style that I bring to every project.
My background in animation and illustration - through the Italian National Film School, the European Animation Sans Frontières and the Swiss HSLU - gives me a unique perspective and style that I bring to every project.
Since graduating in 2016 with Merlot, a multi-award-winning short film, I have been freelancing and juggling a wide range of client commissions and personal projects.
I am open to different styles of work, be it solo or as part of a team, in-person or remote. My ability to adapt to different requests and workflows allows me to take on a wide range of projects from concept and storyboarding to design and final animation.
I am open to different styles of work, be it solo or as part of a team, in-person or remote. My ability to adapt to different requests and workflows allows me to take on a wide range of projects from concept and storyboarding to design and final animation.
I am particularly passionate about projects that align with my values of sustainability, social and environmental causes, music, dance, technology and interactive installations.
I am always open for collaborations, just drop me a line!
I am always open for collaborations, just drop me a line!

Creative Howl/ The Collective Mag / Ballpitmag / GARDE magazine / Animateka / Page Online / PICAME / ToonBoom / ComòMag / Hoppipolla / LOOP / The Dots / Claire Makes Things /
Creative Howl/ The Collective Mag / Ballpitmag / GARDE magazine / Animateka / Page Online / PICAME / ToonBoom / ComòMag / Hoppipolla / LOOP / The Dots / Claire Makes Things /

• Open Workshop artistic residency - Viborg, DK, 2019
• The multi-award-winning short animated film "MERLOT" won many prizes and has been screened in festivals worldwide.
Among those:
- Emile European Animation Award - Best Student Film (2017)
- 1st prize Hamburg Animation Award (2016)
- Best Short Movie at Int. Children's Film Festival Montreal (2018)
- Special Prize of the Jury - KROK (2016)
- Special Prize at PRINANIMA (2016)
- Best Graduation Film CINANIMA (2016)
Check the complete Merlot's prizes list >here<
• Open Workshop artistic residency - Viborg, DK, 2019
• The multi-award-winning short animated film "MERLOT" won many prizes and has been screened in festivals worldwide.
Among those:
- Emile European Animation Award - Best Student Film (2017)
- 1st prize Hamburg Animation Award (2016)
- Best Short Movie at Int. Children's Film Festival Montreal (2018)
- Special Prize of the Jury - KROK (2016)
- Special Prize at PRINANIMA (2016)
- Best Graduation Film CINANIMA (2016)
Check the complete Merlot's prizes list >here<
• 2024 Re-MIX AR exhibition at the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, CH
• 2024 part of Bolo-Klub mentorship program
• 2023 Kinetic LAD, Lugano Animation Days, CH
• 21.03-17.04.2022 Ci vuole un fiore / Es braucht eine Blume: Collective exhibition, CH
• 2020 "Animated Women" AR Animated Portraits Exhibition at Fantoche Festival, Baden, CH
• 2019 "JUST HUMANS" at Egyptian Museum of Turin for Graphic Days, Turin, IT
• 17/07/2019- 06/01/2020 #Facceemozioni National Cinema Museum - Mole Antonelliana, Torino
• 2019 Cotonfioc festival "Crepe" exhibition, IT
• 2018 LIBERA MENTE winner "Libertà di Stampa" contest - PrintClub Torino, IT
• 2018 selection "Let's Dance" Illustration contest - Le Vanvere, IT
• 2014 personal exhibition at Amantes, Torino, IT
• 2013 winner Dusty Jazz contest, IT
• 2024 part of Bolo-Klub mentorship program
• 2023 Kinetic LAD, Lugano Animation Days, CH
• 21.03-17.04.2022 Ci vuole un fiore / Es braucht eine Blume: Collective exhibition, CH
• 2020 "Animated Women" AR Animated Portraits Exhibition at Fantoche Festival, Baden, CH
• 2019 "JUST HUMANS" at Egyptian Museum of Turin for Graphic Days, Turin, IT
• 17/07/2019- 06/01/2020 #Facceemozioni National Cinema Museum - Mole Antonelliana, Torino
• 2019 Cotonfioc festival "Crepe" exhibition, IT
• 2018 LIBERA MENTE winner "Libertà di Stampa" contest - PrintClub Torino, IT
• 2018 selection "Let's Dance" Illustration contest - Le Vanvere, IT
• 2014 personal exhibition at Amantes, Torino, IT
• 2013 winner Dusty Jazz contest, IT
• Crohnacles (2014) 10''
• MERLOT (2016) 5'40''
• Marea (2022) 4'30''
• The Onion (in progress)
• Tales From the Woods - animated series (in progress)
• Crohnacles (2014) 10''
• MERLOT (2016) 5'40''
• Marea (2022) 4'30''
• The Onion (in progress)
• Tales From the Woods - animated series (in progress)
• I created the animation podcast Under the Onion Skin
• Took part in ASF - Animation Sans Frontières 2016-2017 - European Development Lab
• Languages Geek--> speak Italian, English, French, German; learning Russian and Spanish
Bachelor's degree in translation and mediation
• I would love to get involved in: animated short and long films, series, interactive project, initiatives connected to environment and sustainability, music, and dance.
• for a detailed CV check my LinkedIn profile or email me :)
• Member of Swissanimation
• Member of Punanimation
• Member of WomenWhoDraw
• Contributor at Adobe Stock Premium
• part of die Blaue Ampel Coworking
• Member at CitylikeYou
• Member of Great Women Animators
• Member of BoloKlub 2024-25
• I created the animation podcast Under the Onion Skin
• Took part in ASF - Animation Sans Frontières 2016-2017 - European Development Lab
• Languages Geek--> speak Italian, English, French, German; learning Russian and Spanish
Bachelor's degree in translation and mediation
• I would love to get involved in: animated short and long films, series, interactive project, initiatives connected to environment and sustainability, music, and dance.
• for a detailed CV check my LinkedIn profile or email me :)
• Member of Swissanimation
• Member of Punanimation
• Member of WomenWhoDraw
• Contributor at Adobe Stock Premium
• part of die Blaue Ampel Coworking
• Member at CitylikeYou
• Member of Great Women Animators
• Member of BoloKlub 2024-25
for inquiries and collaboration:
martinelli.giuli [@]gmail.com
martinelli.giuli [@]gmail.com
- Open Workshop residency, Viborg
- My Active Supporters on PATRONS: Salman Ansari, Giulia Barbero, Donato Sansone, Brett Jubinville, Jamie Red, Giorgio Azzalin, Philipp Dahinden, Rafael Sommerhalder, Heta Jäälinoja, Audrey Sysaykeo, Harrison Brain, Iulia Voitova, Yuliya Dzyuba, Cadence Baugh, Nora Heeb, Arlene Flores, Julia Überbacher
All the work on this website is property of Giulia Martinelli and, in the case of commissioned work, the usage is regulated with clients through contracts.
You are therefore kindly asked to contact her before using any of the images. Thank you.
- Open Workshop residency, Viborg
- My Active Supporters on PATRONS: Salman Ansari, Giulia Barbero, Donato Sansone, Brett Jubinville, Jamie Red, Giorgio Azzalin, Philipp Dahinden, Rafael Sommerhalder, Heta Jäälinoja, Audrey Sysaykeo, Harrison Brain, Iulia Voitova, Yuliya Dzyuba, Cadence Baugh, Nora Heeb, Arlene Flores, Julia Überbacher
All the work on this website is property of Giulia Martinelli and, in the case of commissioned work, the usage is regulated with clients through contracts.
You are therefore kindly asked to contact her before using any of the images. Thank you.
if you are in Zurich, you can find me at Strapazin Atelier.